Bon Trade Intl. is an N.V.O.C.C. (Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) and Freight Forwarding operation that focuses on specific markets.


by bontradewpadmin

Caribbean Culture

Christmas Traditions Around the World The Christmas period is celebrated around the globe in wonderfully diverse ways, showcasing the rich culture, history, and customs of each region. This season of joy and togetherness is brightened by traditions, festive fun, and community celebrations, no matter where or how it’s observed. Here, we share some of the […]


by bontradewpadmin


The origins of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving has a way of drawing us back to the essentials—family, food, and gratitude. But how did this beloved holiday begin, and how did it evolve into the feast we know today? Let’s take a journey through the history of Thanksgiving, from a humble harvest celebration to the centerpiece of the […]


by bontradewpadmin

Ocean CargoUncategorized

Honoring our Heroes: Veterans Day in the United States On November 11th, the United States celebrates Veterans Day. This holiday honors the men and women who served in the armed forces. Unlike Memorial Day, Veterans Day is for all veterans—those living, those who have passed, and those still in service. It’s a day to remember, […]

Small Package Handling to the ABC islands

Package Handling Post # 1 Small Package handling introduction I wrote these blog posts to clarify the basics of small package handling and shipping in the U.S.A. Customers regularly ask questions about their packages that this information will help answer.  And this particular post will clarify parts that will make future posts easier to understand. […]

How Bontrade Helps Customs Brokers Save Money

The relationship between a customs broker and a shipping company such as Bontrade is a symbiotic one. Together, we make the import and export process run smoothly. The ultimate product of this relationship is money: better profits for us, and more money in the pocket for the client (who is likely to give us their […]

Policies pertaining to container loading of vehicles.

January 2016 updates that affect the terms of our service for container loading of vehicles + vendor charges that ‘could’ affect future handling charges of container loaded vehicles.

We have studied the cargo that we are requested to load with your vehicles and have found that we need to clarify what is included in the service we offer.

As you know we offer to load containers with 1,2, 3 or 4 vehicles.  We include the loading of parts in the container to help you reduce shipping costs.  It is your container and you are paying for the space inside.  However, when the nature of the cargo, the volume of items and the number of deliveries are greater than the service is geared for we have to charge for the additional time and effort to handle your vehicles and cargo.

Making it easier to decide!

During my trips to the Caribbean I always find myself explaining our shipping rates.   I also have to justify our rates as compared to the competition. Unfortunately there is no standardized quoting system that shows who is higher in price and who is lower.  What makes it even more difficult to be discerning is that […]

Bon Trade Intl. Corp. 40th Anniversary
Bon Trade Intl. Corp. was founded in 1984 to be a service company in support of the export trade to the Caribbean from South Florida, The Gateway to the Caribbean, and South America.

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